Network for Information and Digital Access

Landscape Study in Science Literacy

In late 2016, NIDA undertook a landscape research survey in the field of Science Literacy (SL) in developing countries in order to assemble and assess available evidence on policies, on initiatives which have taken place or were in progress, on evaluation of what works and what does not and other data. In addition, initiatives and activities from all round the world which were felt to bear potential for replication or adaptation, especially in developing or transitional countries, were examined.

The researchers worked closely with key stakeholders and interested groups and individuals around the world. The process closed with preparation of a report, illustrated with case studies. The co-funder, Hardie Wren Development Initiatives (HWDI), requested that the conclusion of the report should, to a large extent, be directed towards providing them with forward thinking for the establishment of their organisation and development of a programme of activities. A separate summary report has therefore now been complied which we hope will be of general interest.

If you know of additional innovative initiatives that could be show-cased or would like further details please join us on Facebook and LinkedIn Group or contact NIDA directly at [email protected]



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